Saturday, September 14, 2019

Are We in the Titanic or the Yamato?

Hello everyone,
It is not my custom to talk about politics or religion, but this time I will make a slight exception given the active status of our beloved country.

In these months that have passed, as far as the local reality of Argenland is concerned, everything gradually fell apart, until the PASO elections detonated a situation that was already unsustainable.
We are currently trying to survive the anxiety in which the economy has plunged, which has finally finished destroying thousands of projects that so many people (including us) had to get ahead even with the crisis that began last year.
I only hope that those who follow take advice from those who know most about economic matters, and for a change, leave the comfort of their slogans and really make the structural changes in political matters that are needed right now and that have already been successfully applied in other countries of the region, so that we can get off the endless carousel that we have been subjected to for decades.

Changing the subject, in the world of music, I could publish several more works since my last post, the album “Dances on Heavenly Grounds”, which has a more calm and meditative orientation than the previous ones, and “Engrave” a collaboration with our friend Eisenlager, which would be the other side of the coin of my album "Walking the Way", much freer and more complete.
At the moment I am preparing my next album, to be called “Voices of Distant Stars” with some collaborations of other artists on some tracks, it is a work that was coceived around the different possibilities of vocal timbres. Below I leave a preview of one of the parts, in a preliminary version.

With the band Zona del Punto sin Retorno we have released a new album, "El Tercer viaje" (The Third Journey) recorded live, as if to give some testimony of the group and individual evolution in recent times. There is also material in process to publish from an intermediate stage, including sessions with guests such as Dario Goggia and Javier Pajarola, still awaiting for editing and/or  mastering.

As some already know, on the 5th of this month, our dear cat and buddy "Quick", went to the stars, it has left us with a broken heart. But as if this were not enough, just four days later we learned that an important member of the Community of ambient musicians, Candy Lozier, a beautiful person, who has helped us many in one way or another, has also gone to eternity. At this moment an album is being prepared in tribute, “A Last Sunset - A Celebration Of Candy Lozier”, in which we participate. At bottom of this entry we leave links to her Bandcamps.

I would like to overflow with optimism and say that we will continue at full steam with musical productions, but the current situation has us all in a state of permanent alertness and with the prospect of having to continue making more sacrifices just to survive.
I estimate that the upcoming October elections will define whether we are in the Titanic, with a mortal wound, or if we are in the Yamato, who at least died fighting it..     
         The RMS Titanic
The Yamato
And of course, if politicians leave their ego aside for once in history, we may be successful in this test of destiny and change the paradigm once and for all.

Puppy Bordiga

Candy Lozier links:
Studio 4632:
Candy L:

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