Saturday, October 12, 2019

October 2019

 Small upgrade on how things are going:

Finally we have published our new album "Voices of Distant Stars", with the collaboration of such talented musicians as Scott Snee, Daniel Fumega and Eisenlager, the later was a collaborator of ours in a couple of previous works, "Engrave" and "Altenative Ambient".
The album revolves around the vocal discourse and the various sound landscapes that are brewing thanks to the contribution of each one. As a friend mentioned in a post on Facebook, "Internet allows musicians to work remotely, strengthening ties, intermingling styles, enriching potentials, opening roads", in this case gathering people from places as distant as the United States, Germany and Argentina .

Here below I leave the player & link of the album's Bandcamp:

In the realm of the life in our beloved country, we are only days away from the elections that will determine who will be the new elected president that assumes in December, but society is still partly influenced by slogans, and although the youth little by little start to react to the fundamental questions, and analyzes things a little more objectively, unfortunately people from 40 years and older are still very attached to the old speeches and / or believe that changing the political sign is throwing the vote, although the alternatives are better at least in their philosophy.
The Argenland political class will have to make the greatest sacrifice in its history, if they want any chance of generating better living conditions for the rest of the population, the old paradigms must now be changed to have a unique opportunity to change towards a positive future. Otherwise, we will have to suffer more so that at some point later these lessons are learned.

Hopefully in the time to come we can see the beginning of that better time we wanted so much, and that drives us to continue being productive in this that fills our soul so much, which is music.

Greetings to all,
Puppy ☺

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Are We in the Titanic or the Yamato?

Hello everyone,
It is not my custom to talk about politics or religion, but this time I will make a slight exception given the active status of our beloved country.

In these months that have passed, as far as the local reality of Argenland is concerned, everything gradually fell apart, until the PASO elections detonated a situation that was already unsustainable.
We are currently trying to survive the anxiety in which the economy has plunged, which has finally finished destroying thousands of projects that so many people (including us) had to get ahead even with the crisis that began last year.
I only hope that those who follow take advice from those who know most about economic matters, and for a change, leave the comfort of their slogans and really make the structural changes in political matters that are needed right now and that have already been successfully applied in other countries of the region, so that we can get off the endless carousel that we have been subjected to for decades.

Changing the subject, in the world of music, I could publish several more works since my last post, the album “Dances on Heavenly Grounds”, which has a more calm and meditative orientation than the previous ones, and “Engrave” a collaboration with our friend Eisenlager, which would be the other side of the coin of my album "Walking the Way", much freer and more complete.
At the moment I am preparing my next album, to be called “Voices of Distant Stars” with some collaborations of other artists on some tracks, it is a work that was coceived around the different possibilities of vocal timbres. Below I leave a preview of one of the parts, in a preliminary version.

With the band Zona del Punto sin Retorno we have released a new album, "El Tercer viaje" (The Third Journey) recorded live, as if to give some testimony of the group and individual evolution in recent times. There is also material in process to publish from an intermediate stage, including sessions with guests such as Dario Goggia and Javier Pajarola, still awaiting for editing and/or  mastering.

As some already know, on the 5th of this month, our dear cat and buddy "Quick", went to the stars, it has left us with a broken heart. But as if this were not enough, just four days later we learned that an important member of the Community of ambient musicians, Candy Lozier, a beautiful person, who has helped us many in one way or another, has also gone to eternity. At this moment an album is being prepared in tribute, “A Last Sunset - A Celebration Of Candy Lozier”, in which we participate. At bottom of this entry we leave links to her Bandcamps.

I would like to overflow with optimism and say that we will continue at full steam with musical productions, but the current situation has us all in a state of permanent alertness and with the prospect of having to continue making more sacrifices just to survive.
I estimate that the upcoming October elections will define whether we are in the Titanic, with a mortal wound, or if we are in the Yamato, who at least died fighting it..     
         The RMS Titanic
The Yamato
And of course, if politicians leave their ego aside for once in history, we may be successful in this test of destiny and change the paradigm once and for all.

Puppy Bordiga

Candy Lozier links:
Studio 4632:
Candy L:

Monday, May 13, 2019

Middle March 2019

Hi everyone,

In the music field, lots of music were added to our Bandcamp these days since our last post, the last one was published today, "August Perseids" (a single), a collaboration with Glenn Sogge, a great and talented musician, for his project "Impact of Dust". More stuff is ongoing, so this period is undoubtedly marked by the productivity.

Previously we do a collaboration album together with Eisenlager, another talented musician, and more are on the way. Also we do "Somewhere at the Quadrant's Edge", a single, which thematic probably have an influence in other jobs to come, later we publish "Walking the Way", a  recollection of my collaborations along time, with the presence of Cousin Silas and Wilfried Hamrath, and "First Expeditions", my last solo album, an homage to Sci-Fi, for the inspiration and different perpectives it gives about the future.

We also are working in the mastering of the sessions done with my band, Zona del Punto sin Retorno, at the beginning of this year. Soon there will be more news about it.

In a personal level, now here in B.A. we enter in autumn, so we hope things improve as well as we get closer to the winter, we already had enough bad winters locally. We are doing as most as we can in order to keep this productive level and stay afloat of the sea of problems that we face as a daily basis here in Argenland.

Remember to check my Bandcamp for my music (first link to the right), as well as other interesting links, including the Zona del Punto sin Retorno's blog and Bandcamp, and others.


Puppy Bordiga

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

March 2019

Hi all,

Well, we have now a new album published (link at bottom of this post), with the collaboration of Cousin Silas and artwork of Andreas Schwietzke, this one is something that reflects various sides of my music, with some material that was waiting its moment to came out and finally does it.

Next works are on the way, but they still needs time to be released. There are another instrumental  ambient project named "Worlds of Water", a long time prepared one, with some old timer material, and also a solo piano album. Actually there is on its way a collaboration album with other artist too, but I can't disclosure details until things were more advanced.

In other matters, living in the city lately start to become a little daily fight, things are not "cool" in B.A. these days, if you notice that entries in this blog or other things related are delayed at some point, that would be because of that, as anyone else we at home must to prioritize the maintenance of our home, to feed the kittens and ourselves, and everything else related to that, things that nowadays are a hard hill to climb...

This entry was a short one, but it is what we have for now. I hope all of you are well, kicking and alive, my best wishes for everyone, regards,




Tuesday, February 26, 2019

February 2019

Hi all,

This post is being made in a rush, we're on the go, first time I post while in middle of a trip to downtown.

We are very happy with all the musical movement that took place at the end of last year, the good reception of my last album, the collaborations that luckily could be made, and that is why we keep betting on the future, even though the day-by-day has the custom to put obstacles in the path.
Currently we redouble the bet and we have more projects underway, more collaborations underway, and soon we will do another upgrade to the micro-studio. 

Also we have added here in this blog the Info & Bio page, and the (actually nearly) All Links page too, that we previously had on our website, for the information of who may be interested.

We hope to have many more news in the time to come, so stay tuned!


P.D.: I leave you here an advance of the forthcoming album, still unnamed:

P.D.2: The blog has been redesigned, hope you like it as it is now. Background pic by Project Genesis (