A lot of time passed again since my last post. This year my life was in a very complited situation since I was injuerd in my right hand by late february. Since then I was forced to stop almost everything that i use to do in a daily basis. Also, my mother pass away at the end of march, what was a kind of earthquake to the family.
In the music field, as well as I began to recover some movility in my hand I start continuing the works that were delayed, and preparing to resync all te data of my networks, including uploads, website upgrades and some other tasks pending.
Thanks God some good news also happen, like my collaboation with Cousin Silas, and the opening of a new space for holding my music in Hear This! with some new material. In the studio side, after a long time, a video work for my friend Patricio Migliazzo was done, with great impact. Also, one of my uncles has the kindness of making a gift in the form of a digital piano, which extends my studio capabilities and also help me with my hand recovery.
If everything keeps the actual direction, probably my so announciated Bandcamp opening will be true in a short time now, and music projects will shorten its release time.
It was a kind of devastating year so far, and I'm really can't predict the future, but I start see some light at the end of it. We at home are still keeping a very spartan way of life, so I think that all the efforts that we were making for having some success in moving our music can have a good end this time.
Well, a final line just to say thank you to all of you that are always supporting me and my projects, from wherever you are, my sincere gratitude from my heart.
See you soon,
Puppy :)
My Mom smiling when entering home, a time ago... :)
P.D.: I always write with the (unconscious) idea of having a more or less decent english vocabulary or grammar. If you find any inconsistency, please let know and I will change whatever is necessary. thanks a lot :)