Well, we are working now on the recording part of my first record, witch is the same to say "We're on it". Actually we have about the 75% done, I expect to do some more work on these days, hoping to be enough free from my main job at the cd & dvd factory...
Also I intend to extend the technical capabilities of my personal studio (in developing) a little far by adding the necessary midi controller and the racks for the amps and gear... All at its own time, when time (again) and money could allow them. The overall idea is to spend a lot less money in going to a studio, when I can do the same things easily at home...
In future posts I'll like to talk about the inner part of the music, I mean, the background of the inspiration (a kind of spirituality) that is the source of all this, if you like, strange sound passages turned into music...
A big hug from B.A., see you around! :)